Holistic Alternatives to Root Canal

Root Canal Therapy: A Deep Dive on the Process that Kills Teeth

Holistic Methods Save You!


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Never Put off Your Treatment for a Tooth Infection

In the past, if you had a tooth with a diseased nerve, you would probably lose that tooth. Today, with a non-biological dental procedure called “root canal therapy or endodontic therapy”, your conventional dentist may save your tooth and retain even the most severely damaged tooth while relieving your symptoms such as visible injury, swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature, or pain on tooth and gum. Although people fear root canals, the truth is that this procedure does not cause pain, it eliminates it.

Is It Healthy to Do a Root Canal Therapy (RCT)? 

According to Hal Hugin’s research, Dr. Wetson A Price, and many holistic and biological dental associations, root canal therapy is NOT healthy. Dr. Price studied the connection between root canals and chronic health problems. He believed that bacteria trapped in root canals could contribute to a host of health issues, including heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Hid studies show when a tooth becomes infected, the infection causes the pulp and its surrounding tissues to die. When that happens, there is no blood flow, which doesn’t allow any medication to reach the infection. This hidden infection is linked to your systemic system and could cause potential risks. This is the reason holistic and biological dentists recommend extracting the tooth with PRF and ozone therapy.

Many people come to us to remove their existing root canals because they experience symptoms of systemic and autoimmune conditions that are unexplained by doctors and conventional dentists, but their holistic medical doctor recommended root canal removal. They believe that their existing root canals affect and compromise their overall health. They studied, searched, and are convinced that the “ROOT CAUSE” of their medical conditions is their root canals

Disclaimer: The official position of the American Academy of Endodontists or AAE which is supported by the American Dental Association or ADA, is that root canals are safe and include the following statement: “Decades of research contradict the beliefs of “focal infection” proponents; there is no valid, scientific evidence linking endodontically treated teeth and systemic disease. Yet some patients still hear about this long-dispelled theory.” As such, we encourage each patient to do their own research as to whether a root canal procedure is right for them, and not solely depend on the information provided on this site.

Our holistic, biological, and integrative dentist, Dr. Maryam Horiyat, follows Dr. Weston A. Price’s theories about root canal and is committed to whole-body health and understands the relationship between systemic infections that originate from oral infection – something that often happens after even “successful” root canal therapy. Thus, she usually offers alternative options to root canal therapy. 
One of the optimal alternatives to root canal treatment, once the tooth is infected, is to extract the tooth with L-PRF and replace it with a metal-free zirconia implant. The good news is that our biological root canal removal procedure is more effective than ever because, with ozone/oxygen technology, we can clean the pulp with the application of ozone during extraction.

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The Structure of a Root Canal

At the center of your tooth beneath the white enamel and hard layer of dentin is a soft tissue called the pulp. Pulp is a collection of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, which help the growth of your tooth during its development. A fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. Infection of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks, and chips, or repeated dental procedures.

Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy
Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy

Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

Damaged teeth that require root therapy are not always painful. Some of the symptoms are:

Dr. Maryam Horiyat working in her office and doing laser treatment for a patient on dental unit

The Risks of Delaying Treatment

The risk involved with no treatment choices for an infected tooth may include:

What Is a Root Canal Therapy Process?

A DEEP INFECTION:  Root canal treatment might be needed when an injury or a large cavity exposes the tooth’s pulp and the root becomes infected or inflamed.

Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy

An opening is made through the crown of the tooth to the Pulp Chamber.

Infected or inflamed tissues are tried to be removed; the accessible canals are cleaned.

Canals filled with a permanent insert rubber material, called Gutta-Percha cones. This helps to fills the dead space.

Opening sealed with temporary filling materials. In some cases, a post is inserted for extra support.

In some cases, a post is placed into the root next to the gutta-percha. This gives the crown more support. 

A new crown cemented onto the rebuilt tooth.

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

No. Modern endodontic treatment is nothing like those old sayings! It’s very similar to a routine filling and in most cases, a root canal can be completed in two comfortable visits to the Endodontist’s office. Getting a root canal is relatively painless and extremely effective to save a dead tooth. You might be back to smiling, biting, and chewing, but is it healthy for your body to leave a dead tooth to stay connected to the rest of your body? The success of this type of treatment occurs in about 85% to 97%, depending on circumstances.  If your tooth is not amenable to endodontic treatment or the chance of success is unfavorable, you will be informed at the time of consultation or when a complication becomes evident during or after treatment. We use local anesthesia to eliminate discomfort, but we also offer distinct types of sedation such as Nitrous Oxide and Oral sedation.

Conventional Root Canal Therapy (RCT) & Alternatives

Conventional and non-holistic root canal therapy is often recommended if the tooth pulp and nerves become infected or damaged. This may occur if injury or decay reaches deep into the tooth, past the outer enamel layer. When left untreated, this type of infection and disease may cause the tooth to die and necessitate tooth extraction.

To restore the health of the tooth and avoid the need for extraction, most traditional dentists will try to remove the infected and injured tissues from within the tooth, clean the tooth, and fill it with medicated materials. Then, they will then cap the tooth with a restoration, such as a dental crown.

To follow the International Academy of Oral Medicine Toxicology (IAOMT), our certified holistic dentist, Dr. Horiyat, recommends alternative options to root canal therapy.

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The Drawbacks to Conventional Root Canal Treatments

Why Some People Say, “Don’t Destroy Your Health, Don’t Get Root Canal!”

Some dentists talk about root canals to save your natural tooth. The truth is when a tooth’s pulp and root are removed during root canal therapy, that tooth is dead; however, the infection can remain in smaller canals and tubules and constantly aggravative your immune system. It is well established that it is impossible to remove all the necrotic tissues (dead tissues) and bacteria inside a tooth during root canal therapy because the root canal cavity housing the tooth’s nerve, lymphatic tissue, and blood supply is not a straight tube. Thus, your immune system must continue fighting off chronic infection that is left behind in this anaerobic (oxygen-free) area, which will ultimately compromise your body. Remember your body is a series of connected systems and if they’re not working in harmony, the result is less than optimal health.

Root-canaled teeth are dead body parts that we allow to remain attached to our bodies. Where else in the body do we allow that to occur? NOWHERE.

Root Cause & Related Systematic Conditions

Holistic & Biologic Approaches to Root Canal

At Aria Dental, we focus on treating our patients with a myriad of dental concerns while preserving their overall health. We prefer to treat not only symptoms but also the root cause of oral and medical conditions from your mouth. We understand the philosophy that each tooth and its surrounding structures are intricately connected to the various organs, tissues, and glands in our body through the “Energy Meridian.” We are committed to whole-body health and understand the relationship between systemic infections that originate from oral infection – something that often happens after even “successful” root canal therapy. According to recent research in the world, it is proven to us that root canaled tooth could be the root cause of many systematic, autoimmune, and oral conditions since the hidden and silent infections could not only spread out through your circulatory system but also cause cavitation (jawbone infections). These changes in the vitality of the tooth and surrounding structures are both the fundamental reasons for chronic illness, inflammatory disease, enigmatic conditions such as chronic fatigue, cancer, and neurological problems like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Thus, we provide minimally invasive techniques, ultra-biocompatible & non-toxic materials, superior & natural methods, proven holistic principles, and durable & long-lasting treatments with modern & innovative technologies.

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5 Holistic Alternatives to a Root Canal Therapy

When a traditional dentist recommends root canal treatment (known as endodontic treatment) to a patient due to the infected and injured dental pulp, the most common question is “what an alternative treatment is to root canal?” because most patients are apprehensive and anxious about a root canal.

As a certified and accredited member of several international and American holistic and biologic dental associations such as HDA, IAOMT, and IABDM, Dr. Maryam Horiyat’s concern is about the possible negative effects of the root canal on overall health and well-being; she understands that several research proves that root canal can cause many serious medical conditions.

If a tooth’s health has deteriorated significantly, the most popular and safest alternative to root canals is holistic extraction of the entire damaged or infected tooth and replacing it with a bridge, metal-free dental implant, or partial dentures.

It’s well known that food choices can affect oral health and proponents of natural remedies suggest healing dental infection by eliminating all processed sugars from the diet, eating high-quality protein, and avoiding grain products. Dr. Maryam Horiyat always advocates embracing a healthier lifestyle, but she does not believe that eating fruits and vegetables will restore a cracked tooth or a deep dental cavity.

Another alternative to root canal therapy is to irrigate the root cavity with ozone gas. According to a study in Interventional Neuroradiography, the ozone penetrates the tubules of the tooth beyond the drilled areas as well as lateral tubules and disinfects the tooth beneath the enamel. However, there is a possibility that the infection can return at a later stage with a need to root canal treatment.

A similar alternative option to ozone therapy, an infected or injured tooth can be irrigated with an alkaline substance called calcium hydroxide to deter bacteria growth in tooth canals; however, careful placement within canals should be conducted with file due to its toxicity.

Depending on the severity of the damage to your tooth, you may be a candidate for non-traditional root canal therapy (RCT), called GentleWave® This procedure is an innovative and minimally invasive alternative to standard RCT that utilizes Multisonic Ultracleaning® Technology by enabling procedure fluids to reach and clean through the deepest and most complex portions of the root canal system

Dr. Maryam Horiyat in office with IAOMT logo on top right and IADBM logo on bottom right

Personalized Holistic Care

Dr. Horiyat is a premier and certified holistic, biological, and integrative dentist who is commonly recommended by IAMOT and IABDM holistic associations to patients who are seeking for alternatives to root canal therapy.
Together with other skilled specialists, Dr. Horiyat uses only the most biological protocols and biocompatible materials to enhance her patients’ oral and overall health. At Aria Dental, we have completed the removal of several problematic root-canaled teeth and the replacement of metal-free zirconia (ceramic) implants. See for yourself how rewarding dental treatments can be when you choose us.

Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy

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