Dental Implant Healing Stages: What to Expect Every Day

Dental Implant Healing Stages: What to Expect Every Day

Dental implant healing stages are the concern of many patients who are considering this solution for their missing teeth. You probably know that it might take months for your implants to heal and become just like your natural teeth. However, you might not know the details of what to expect during this period. That is why we have dedicated this article to the different healing stages of dental implants, elaborated day by day. Continue reading if you want your implant journey to be a success.

How Long Will Dental Implant Healing Stages Take?

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The healing stages might take three to twelve months. However, the exact answer to this question depends on many factors, including:

  • The number of implants;
  • Your age and health condition before the procedure;
  • The type and the place of your implants;
  • Whether there are extractions or not;
  • Whether you follow post-op instructions or not.

What Are The Post-Op Instructions For Dental Implants?

You should get a written post-op instruction from your doctor to ensure that everything will go as smoothly as possible after the surgery. It is vital to follow these instructions if you want to have a successful treatment. Here are just a few general examples of post-op instructions:

  • Do not spit;
  • Do not use straws;
  • Do not smoke;
  • Do not touch the surgical area with your fingers or tongue;
  • Keep the gauze on the site for thirty to forty-five minutes;
  • Do not brush or rinse your teeth for twenty-four hours if it’s a full mouth implant;
  • Brush and clean your teeth very carefully on the night of surgery if it is a single implant.

What Are The Dental Implant Healing Stages?

Dental Implant Healing Stages

After your surgery, you will go through three healing stages, namely, osseointegration, integration, and restoration. Here is a brief explanation of each of these stages:


Osseointegration is the process of securing the implant by your jawbone. In other words, your jawbone grows around the implant and attaches to it. This is the foundation of your replaced teeth. It ensures you can bite and chew with your implants just as you do with your natural teeth. In return, the implant placed in the socket of a missing tooth will ensure your jawbone won’t shrink over time. Osseointegration takes months, so don’t forget your post-op instructions for this process until it’s complete.


The implant needs time to integrate completely. During this time, you might be recommended to have a soft food diet and avoid any pressure on the implant. You might also feel discomfort while doing your everyday activities, but it shouldn’t last long. The discomfort will subside as your implant integrates into your jaw. Of course, if you have a same-day implant, you might be able to eat solid foods after a day or two.


When your implants are integrated as CT scans show, the crown will be placed on top of them. This will be the start of the restoration stage in your healing process. However, your options are not limited to a crown. You can have implant-supported dentures, or dental bridges if your dentist sees fit. You should also follow your post-op instructions during this stage of healing to avoid any complications. Contact your dentist if you have any concerns or unusual symptoms after your restoration.

What Is the Timeline of the Dental Implant Healing Stages?

The timeline of the dental implant healing stages is divided into three parts: the first twenty-four hours, the first week, and the first four to six months.

The First Twenty-Four Hours

During the first twenty-four hours, you can expect minor bleeding which will go away within two hours. Press and hold the gauze on the area for thirty to forty-five minutes and avoid spitting or using a straw during this time.

You might experience some swelling during the first day as well. It might get worse for a couple of days and last for a short while. You can apply ice on the site to reduce the swelling; follow the “20-minutes-on, 20-minutes off” rule. Avoiding hot and spicy foods is also recommended since they can irritate the surgery site.

You can rinse your mouth with warm salt water very gently. We cannot emphasize this enough: very gently. You can also brush your teeth, with the exception of the surgery site, using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Your doctor might prescribe a special type of mouthwash for you, too.

The First Week

During the first week, you should take your medication on time as prescribed to manage the pain and prevent complications. Since these medications might make you drowsy, you should not drive, swim, or operate machinery during this period. If the pain persists or you experience severe nausea or diarrhea, contact your dentist immediately.

After a couple of days, you can go back to your normal activities, but you should not engage in strenuous ones just yet. So, take it easy and increase your daily activity slowly as the pain fades away and your sutures fall out, which will be between four and ten days after the procedure. 

During the Four To Six Months

After the first seven to ten days, you are almost in the safe zone, and you can go back to your regular daily routine while maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing every day. However, you will have to schedule regular follow-up appointments with your dentist for routine checkups. This is vital to the success of your implant, as it will prevent complications.

Do You Need a Holistic Dentist For Your Implants?

This article explained different dental implant healing stages and talked about what to expect every day. If you are looking for a safe and natural approach to your dental implant procedure, Aria Dental in Orange County, California, offers a holistic dental implant service that ensures satisfaction. Our team of professionals uses zirconia implants and the latest technologies for placing dental implants to guarantee your oral and overall health. Contact us for a consultation today, and we will walk you through the process.

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