In many ways, teething is an important part of a child’s development. However, it can also be an uncomfortable and painful experience for them. Many parents find it difficult to obtain the necessary means to help their children cope. According to a dentist in Laguna Niguel, all it takes to make the process smoother is an understanding of teething as it relates to your child and a few home remedies.
Babies are born with tooth buds, which are all their underdeveloped teeth in their gums. Usually, these buds will grow in pairs, starting in the middle. Every child’s teeth grow at a different rate, so you could have a one-year-old with eight teeth or none. According to an oral surgeon in Mission Viejo Ca, most children have their first tooth by 18 months.
When babies start teething, they will exhibit a few telling signs including drooling, irritability, loss of appetite, biting, and trouble sleeping. Make sure to take your baby to a Laguna Niguel dentist by the time the first tooth appears or right around their first birthday.
After getting their first teeth, children will have another wave of teething when their two-year molars grow in. These teeth are bigger, more square, and they come in between 23 and 33 months. According to a dentist in Laguna Niguel, teething for toddlers is different because they are better able to indicate their discomfort. Some toddlers will experience ear pain from the growth of their molars.
While you are caring for your child’s teeth, don’t forget to schedule your own yearly checkup. If you need special dental work to fix broken or missing teeth, you may consider asking your dentist about dental implants in Orange County.
There are quite a few teething remedies that have proven successful for many parents over the years. Babies that have sore gums will benefit from having a cold spoon or washcloth brushed along the sensitive parts. You can also give them rubber teething rings to suck on. Some parents will put frozen fruit into a mesh bag and let their baby chew on it. If your baby has a pacifier, you can fill it with water and then freeze it to give them another cool relief. Once your child is old enough, you may consider refrigerated applesauce or yogurt as a snack that will also soothe their teething pain.
Most children that are teething have an excess of saliva, which can cause irritation on their skin. You can use a soft washcloth to wipe away the drool and spread a bit of petroleum jelly on the chin to keep it moisturized.
When you are giving your child teething options, you want to make sure that you avoid certain products that are not FDA approved. For example, there are some teething necklaces that have been discovered as choking and strangulation hazards to children. Certain teething medications contain higher doses of belladonna, which can cause problems with the nervous system. According to the FDA, parents should avoid over-the-counter drugs with the benzocaine ingredient for children under two. Medication, in general, should be used as a last resort and only under the direction of a pediatrician.
Fortunately, teething is only temporary and will eventually lead to a bright, beautiful smile. You can use this time to teach your child proper oral care habits that will last them through adulthood.
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